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Hans Albrecht, MBA
Founder and CEO

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About Hans

  • Hans holds an Ivy League MBA in business from Cornell University and the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation.

  • 30-year options and volatility fund manager veteran, 12-year professional options market maker for a large bank.

  • $1 Billion career under management in managing option strategies.

  • $750 Million in options cash flow generated for investors in his strategies.

  • Former manager of 10 covered call funds: Nasdaq 100, US large cap, Canadian large cap, gold miner, bank basket, ASX20, gold, silver, oil, and natural gas covered call funds.

  • Former manager of 2 Black-Swan option funds, US and Canadian: SPX downside protective puts/spreads, covered calls, put sales, butterflies, VIX spreads.

  • Grew several of his funds 5-fold, one of his covered call funds winning a Lipper Award along the way.

  • Hans has been a regular in the media, on BNN Business television, TD Ameritrade’s Market Show with Oliver Renick, Nasdaq’s TradeTalks Show with Jill Malandrino, Bloomberg TV, the Rob Snow Business radio segment, and many others.

  • He is an MX All-Star of Options Trading (featured speaker), has been asked to speak on numerous expert derivatives panels over the years, and was a headliner speaker at the MoneyShow.

  • Hans has been quoted in almost 100 different articles for magazines and publications like the Globe & Mail, Nasdaq,, Bloomberg, and Wealth Professional. Has written articles for the Globe & Mail, Financial Post, Montreal Options Exchange, and Investment Executive.

  • He has guest lectured on markets and options trading at McGill and Cornell Universities and has been a headline speaker on volatility trading for the CFA Society.

Cash Flow Insiders CEO and Head Premium Crusher

Hans Albrecht

I'm thrilled to have you here to learn about the Cash Flow Insiders Option Selling System.  I've put 30 years of in-the-trenches deep options strategy management experience into an easy-to-follow framework designed to keep you OUT of the emotional state and

IN the rational state required to succeed in markets.  This is the program you've been waiting for: one that provides a framework with rules and guardrails for options income success.  Good, bad, or neutral markets are all considered by the system so that you always know what to do, when, and by how much.

The best time to begin improving your investment and income-producing results is yesterday!  So move your feet and start to make decisions that could make a difference for you, your family, and your future.

Welcome, and thanks for joining me on this journey.


Questions about me or the programs?  email me directly at


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Cash Flow Insiders CEO Hans Albrecht Has Been A Regular On Business Television:

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