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DISCLAIMER: FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. The materials presented from, Gamma Option Solutions Ltd and Hans Albrecht are for your informational and educational purposes only. Neither and Gamma Option Solutions Ltd nor its employees offer investment, legal or tax advice of any kind, and the analysis displayed with various tools does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice and should not be interpreted as such. Using the data and analysis contained in the materials for reasons other than the informational and educational purposes intended is at the user’s own risk.

DISCLAIMER: and Gamma Option Solutions Ltd and Hans Albrecht are NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVISOR OR REGISTERED BROKER. and Gamma Option Solutions Ltd and Hans Albrecht are not responsible for any losses that may occur from transactions effected based upon information or analysis contained in the presented materials. Specific trading ideas or strategies discussed in the presentations or materials are entirely illustrative and do not constitute the solicitation of a transaction (or transactions) or a recommendation to execute a particular transaction or implement a particular trading strategy.

DISCLAIMER: TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK; TRADING INVOLVES RISK OF LOSS; SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. To the extent that you make use of the concepts with the presentation material, you are solely responsible for the applicable trading or investment decision. Trading activity, including options transactions, can involve the risk of loss, so use caution when entering any option transaction. You trade at your own risk, and it is highly recommended you consult with a financial advisor for investment, legal or tax advice relating to options transactions.

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