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The Wait is Over!

A Step-by-Step System for Generating Returns and Cash Flow from Options Selling in the Stock Market


What you'll experience and get:

  • A full system that tells you what to do, when to do it, and by how much.

  • Bull market?  Great.  Bear market?  Crush even more premium for options cash flow! 

  • A system that targets 2%-4% of cash flow per month when conditions are ripe, but also one that switches to growth mode when the time is right. 

  • This is about pressing on the gas pedal when the system tells us to while crushing even more premium when markets don't cooperate.

  • It's all set out for you in an easy-to-follow rules-based approach meant to remove emotion from the equation - because emotion is the enemy of the investor and trader!

  • 6 weeks of 60-90 minutes once-per-week live instruction from Hans Albrecht, an asset and wealth management professional who has generated $750 million in options cash flow for investors worldwide.

  • 5 weeks of instruction and then 1 week of reviews and reinforcement of concepts.  Some students may be doing their first trades after two or three weeks.

  • Private WhatsApp group for students with access to Hans as you learn.

  • Learn the Market Temperature Indicator method for insight into where markets could be heading.   An amazing sentiment reading indicator that includes a unique volatility gauge that dials back risk when markets are concerned.

  • Lifetime membership in our amazing Discord community, with trade ideas, education, tools, stock and option scan templates, and live Q&A sessions with Hans.  It's like having a pro look over your shoulder.


What you'll learn:

  • The "secret sauce" that Wall Street wants to keep to itself.

  • How do options work - because you have to start here!

  • A system for finding the right stocks, the right market, the right place on the chart, and the right options.

  • How to remove emotions from trading and investing.

  • How to understand volatility indicators.

  • How to take advantage of fear and uncertainty in markets (while your neighbor loses sleep). 

  • How to get your money working harder for you...but also how to let the market do the hard work when conditions tell us.

  • Learn our proprietary Market Temperature Indicator (MTI), which assesses market sentiment with clear Go, Stop and Slow instructions

  • Profit target rules that adjust to the environment.

  • Exit rules for positions that don't cooperate.

  • Rules for covering options and maintaining more upside in markets.

  • How to play offense AND defense.

  • How to lower volatility in your portfolio.

  • How to not get caught up in the noise of markets.

  • A picture is worth a thousand to read charts like a champ.

  • How to make the most of bull, bear, and sideways markets.

  • What options to sell, when, and how much.

  • When and how to use protective collars. 

  • How to win with a tailwind behind you.

  • How to crush the options cash flow when markets are confused.

  • Synthetic strategies for efficiency.

  • When to buy more stock and when to stay on the sidelines.

  • How to save money when dealing with options market makers (I was one so I know!).

  • Trading psychology and how to conquer those pesky voices in your head.

  • Dealing with stock dividends.

  • Re-investing to try to beat markets over time (compounding).

Best Value

5 Weeks of Live Mentoring with Hans



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